
lost lagoon 2

Tonco 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 4

My anti-virus software deleted the 'game.exe' file when it detected a 'Trojan.Gen' High Risk Threat. Game.exe is the main executable for this program.



AGV is wrongly detects potential danger. Kaspersky in Ok with Lost Lagoon 2.

Sometimes Anti-virus software says that. What I do is just install the game again, then it starts working. It depends on the Anti-software that's installed on your machine.

the game did not have a chance to run, the 'game.exe' file was found to contain the Trojan,Gen virus and was deleted as soon as it had installed onto my pc, so attempting to download and install again would make no difference to the way my anti-virus software reacted, and turning that off is a no-no !!


AGV is wrongly detects potential danger. Kaspersky in Ok with Lost Lagoon 2.

Well I use Norton which I find one of the best and to be totally honest I would rather delete a perfectly OK game than risk getting a virus. The post was a warning to others who may not actually use antivirus software.