Still have problems with windows 10

ruby 7 years ago updated by Tomcat 7 years ago 4

I try to follow the instructions on running games with Windows 10.

In step 4, I can't seem to see "go to process" option, it only have "go to details" option.

Any more help??????

What game are you trying to run?

Princess of Tavern

This is not good enough.  NO SUPPORT at all.

It is very frustrated while all I ever want is to play the game.

I even try to install the file from my other computer, but it does not work as the main character is not moving and the game is not playable.

Hm, strange. The game works fine on my PC with Windows 10. 

What's the problem? What happens when you click on the game icon on desktop?

If you try to follow the instructions 'Running games with Windows 10'  then on step 4 choose 'Expand' first 

and after then 'Switch to'.

I hope this helps.